School Newsletter - Issue 1 - Friday, 10 February 2023
Principal's News
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Week 2, can you believe 2 weeks already! We’re so happy with the start to the year and how happy the students have been. Kindergarten began seamlessly last Thursday, and you would have thought they’d been here a year already. We look forward to this Friday’s first whole school assembly where we will present our first class awards for the year.
Meet the Teacher / Year-Based Parent Information Video
Thank you to all the Kindergarten, Year 5 and Year 6 Parents who attended the ‘in person’ parent information sessions on Tuesday evening due to those cohort necessities. Many thanks to the Kinder, Year 5 and 6 teaching teams for staying back.
For Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 you will have received a recorded message from the teachers so you can see them and know who is teaching your children. A term overview and class procedures document should also have arrived.
Goal Setting Meetings
Goal setting meetings will be conducted either over the phone or in person the week of Monday 6th March - Friday 10th March (Week 6). You will be able to book through Compass in a couple of weeks and instructions will be passed on through a Compass message. This will be a similar process for booking the MAI interviews late last year or early this year.
Parent / Teacher Communication
As you by now are aware, our main source of communication is through Compass. We will in time provide a parent information session on the best way to utilise this app from both your mobile device and from a laptop/desktop. There are very distinctive differences using these platforms. Please be aware that as a staff we will be tightly following the following protocols and ask that parents are mindful of them:
Teacher’s by now will have shared their email address. In the case that you need to communicate with the teacher, please consider the following:
- Staff will not read or reply to emails before 8am or after 4pm, please don’t send emails outside of these times
- Whilst staff will endeavour to read emails during the day, their duty of care and role is to teach and look after the students in their care. They will do their best to reply in a timely manner. If it is something urgent, please call the school office (ie change of afternoon pickup etc)
School Day Timetable
We continually research, review and adapt to provide an evidence based and professional teaching and learning culture. As a result, we are continuing Professional Learning Communities where staff will be analysing data, planning and delivering quality learning programs targeting all students' points of need. To best support this initiative the recess and lunch break times are as follows:
8:50 - 10:50 Morning Learning Block
10:50 - 11:30 Recess
11:30 - 1:30 Middle Learning Block
1:30 - 2:10 Lunch
2:10 - 3:15 Afternoon Learning Block
Naturally the students are given regular opportunities to have a small break and drink water during the day.
Whilst I totally understand how hard it is to get any form of doctor or specialist appointment, we do ask that you try your best to make these outside of school hours so we can maximise all learning opportunities for the children.
Canteen – Change of Days (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
Over the past few months, we have been reviewing the productivity of the canteen in terms of use. As a result, beginning next week, the canteen will no longer open on Mondays. We will move this day to Thursday so the canteen will be open Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
This will enable:
1/ A more manageable ordering process where food can be kept fresh over a three day period
2/ An extra day later in the week for orders to be placed catering for when bread (and ideas) run out at home later in the week
Whilst we understand this may cause some inconvenience to begin, over the long term we see this as being far more beneficial. We will keep an eye on this change and review if necessary.
If any new or existing canteen volunteers would be interested in helping in the canteen on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays, please email Helen directly at
All volunteers will be required to complete the Declaration for Volunteers form.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Parent Volunteers Declaration
Volunteering at school is a great way to be involved in your child's education and an opportunity to get to know staff and meet other parents. Many of our events and excursions are not possible without the wonderful generosity of parents and carers, giving up their valuable time to assist.
Throughout the year, there are many different volunteering opportunities, either in the canteen, during excursions, sporting events or supporting students’ learning in the classroom. Therefore, if you are interested in volunteering, please click here to complete the Declaration for Volunteers/Contractors form, which is part of the Broken Bay Diocese’s Commitment to Safeguarding Children and Young People
Please contact the School Office on 4388 5800 if you have any further questions regarding volunteering in our school.
If any new or existing canteen volunteers would be interested in helping in the canteen on Wednesdays or Fridays, please email Helen directly at
All volunteers will be required to complete the Declaration for Volunteers form.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Kind Regards
Marcel Arendse
Assistant Principal's News
Whole School Assemblies
This year at St John Fisher we will continue to hold our whole school assemblies each Friday, straight after the morning bell. Families are always more than welcome to join us during these assemblies which usually involve an Acknowledgement of Country, school prayer, national anthem, awards, special notices and the school song. These assemblies are usually led by teachers and our Year 6 leaders.
Our school awards will continue to be handed out during these whole school assemblies. On even weeks, teachers will hand out 2-3 class awards based on a child’s effort and positive behaviour in class. During odd week assemblies, Mr Arendse will hand out Growing in Faith and Knowledge awards to one person in each grade.
For families who are unable to attend these whole school assemblies they will be live streamed, and a recording will be sent out via Compass later that day.
School Assembly Link:
Award Notifications
We like parents to be aware that their child is receiving an award to give them the best opportunity to be able to join us during the assembly.
For Growing in Faith and Knowledge awards, your child’s classroom teacher will ring you if your child will be receiving an award that Friday.
Due to the newsletter being released on a Friday each even week, we have altered the way parents will be notified if their child is receiving a class award. If your child is receiving a class award, you will receive an email from Compass informing you that your child will be receiving an award on Friday. We have asked teacher to have these notifications sent by Wednesday, lunch time, to give parents an opportunity to attend the assembly if they are able.
It is always up to the parents whether they tell their child they are receiving an award or not, but a surprise for the children on the day is always nice. For this to work most effectively, please ensure your emails address and phone number is up to date on Compass, and notifications are turned on.
Afternoon Pick Up
We would like to thank all families for your help and support with afternoon pick up this year. We are asking teachers to bring their children down to the COLA after 3:10pm, in order to maximise the teaching and learning time in the classrooms.
The school gates will be opened at 3pm to allow parents to drive in and park their cars. However, we ask parents who are using the drive through pick up to not arrive before 3:10pm as drive through will not begin until the classes have arrived at the COLA. We ask this to avoid the congestion on Hansen’s Rd. Cars that arrive for drive through early will be asked to park. Teachers will remain on duty until all children are picked up from school.
We know that our afternoon pick up can be difficult at times, but as a school community we want to maximise learning time and also provide a safe dismissal process. We thank you for your cooperation in supporting this.
Compass Parent Training
Later this term we will provide some parent training on the functionality of Compass on a mobile device and laptop/desktop.
We will provide you with some dates later this term.
School Calendar
Yesterday afternoon, there was a yearly calendar sent out on Compass. This calendar will have all the events that we have scheduled so far this year. These events will be also available on the Compass calendar. Shortly, we plan to sync the Compass calendar to our school website as well as our newsletter.
As more events are planned this year, we will continue to update the calendars and a new hard copy will be sent home each term
Stephen Lynch
Assistant Principal
Class Merit Awards
Religious Education Co-Ordinator News
Liturgical Celebrations this Term
Ash Wednesday
This term we will be celebrating Ash Wednesday in two parts. On Tuesday 21st February (Shrove Tuesday) we will talk about the meaning of Shrove Tuesday, Palm Sunday and its connection to Ash Wednesday. We will then say a prayer and burn the palms in preparation for Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday 22nd February, parents are invited to our liturgy at 9:15am where we will bring forth our Lenten promises and have the ashes placed on our foreheads.
St Patrick’s Day
Year 6 will present a short liturgy on 17th March at 9:15am to mark St Patrick’s Day. We will gather to pray and give thanks for the courage that St Patrick showed in order to teach others about God.
Opening School Mass
We will be gathering as a whole school on Monday 27th February at 9:15am to celebrate our Opening School Mass. This is when we will welcome the Kindergartens to St John Fisher and acknowledge the Year 6 leaders of our school by presenting them with a leader's badge. This is a wonderful celebration of community and parents and carers are warmly welcome to come along.
Harmony Day
The Mission Team will lead us in prayer on 21st of March when we mark Harmony Day as a whole school. Students are invited to wear orange accessories on this day as we celebrate the cultural diversity and unity of our community.
Weekly Parish Masses
Each grade will also attend one Tuesday Parish Mass as a way of strengthening the relationship between school and parish. This begins next week (14th February) when Year 6 will be attending Mass at 9:15am. Parents, families and carers are welcomed and encouraged to come along.
Holy Week
Holy Week will be marked on Thursday 6th April at 9:15am with a reflection and liturgy to mark the life of Jesus during his death and resurrection.
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
As a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school we aim to explicitly teach, acknowledge and reward behaviours. As you know, we only have one school rule:
As the students settle into their classes, each class teacher is spending time going through the procedures and expectations within the classroom as well as looking at behaviours around the whole school.
Parent Workshop
This term we are lucky enough to be hosting the "FEAR-LESS POSITIVE PARENTING PROGRAM" here at school. The program lasts for 6 weeks starting on March 1st at 9.15am. It is an excellent program looking at anxiety and building resilience in children. Places are limited so enrol now either by contacting Luisa Lawicki at school or register via this link Course Work Booking Form - Central Coast Family Support Services (
Luisa Lawicki
Religious Education Co-Ordinator
Parent Engagement Co-Ordinator (PEC)
Thank you so much for your warm welcome and embracing the new position of Parent Engagement Co-Ordinator.
Parent Advisory Committee
We are taking expressions of interest for any parents wishing to join the Parent Advisory Committee for 2023. The purpose of the Committee is to “Represent the school community by working collaboratively and strategically for the wellbeing and education of the whole child”. We would ideally like a parent from Kindy so we have a broad cross section from our community.
Our current members are Rebecca Binns, Talia Coyte, Kylie Cook and Cath Wildman.
We meet once per term (usually during school hours).
Please email with your expression of interest.
Uniform Fittings
We have two fantastic parent volunteers who will be in the hall on Friday mornings from 8:30am – 9:00am to help parents try on uniforms for size and help you place orders which will then be delivered to school. This will be available from Friday 17th of January.
Kate Benton
Parish News
The Wyong Catholic Parish invites you to join their team as a Youth Coordinator working up to 4 hours per week. The role does allow for flexibility with the working schedule, however you’ll need to have availability for weekends and evenings.
This is an exciting role where you will build and maintain a parish youth group, encouraging young people to engage and participate in parish youth activities, ensuring a sense of fun, community, belonging and faith for the youth and young adults in the parish. You’ll work to build a strong youth network and collaborate with like groups and organisations as well as encouraging, supporting and assisting volunteers to assist in the youth ministry.
Please apply by sending a CV and brief cover letter addressing role requirements via email to
Applications close Friday 3 March.
Kathryn Pike
Book Club
Book Club News
This year we welcome Amy Kyle into the role of volunteer Book Club co-ordinator.
Thank you for your time.
Issue 1 of Book Club for 2023 has been sent home with your child. The school only accepts online orders and payments. New families can register their child's details at
LOGIN (, and you can also download the LOOP app onto your device. All book club orders contribute 20% of the sale value back to the school, which are used to purchase resources for the LARC and classrooms.
Please have orders finalised by 20th February.
Mrs Bookclub